Tuesday 1 November 2011

Film Title Ideas

It is important to create a good title when producing a film. The title is vital in attracting a target audience. If you're film was called "fluffy kittens" and was a horror film then it would probably fail to attract its target audience. However, a title like "killer rampage" would signify the horror genre making it easier for the target audience to associate the title with a film based around themes of brutality and death.
The film title is an audience’s first encounter with a film. Using the enigma code I want a title that leaves the audience intrigued. Therefore the film titles that I have thought of in my thought shower above are all short, concise titles that give an insight into the film but leave the audience with little information. This should help to attract a larger audience, making them interested in finding out more about the film. An example of a film title that I don’t like is “rise of the planet of the apes”. I didn’t think that it was a very well constructed title and it was too long winded. An example of a film title that I think is good is “black swan”. It’s concise, connotes the narrative and grabs your attention.
One of the favourite titles I came up with was “paranoia”. However, using this title would give away the fact that the subject is paranoid removing the enigma of the film. Both my filming partner and I both liked the title “blackout”. This is because it refers to the stage in the film where she becomes unconscious. This should help to interest the audience from the start of the film as it connotes that something bad is going to happen. It also reflects the horror/thriller genre, as its literal meaning is “dark”. “The obscured” and “followed” are other title’s I quite like. It automatically suggests to the audience that she’s being watched or that she’s not alone. “The hunted” is another title I quite like that isn’t on this thought shower. This would connote to the audience that she is being followed and that she is vulnerable.

Using wordle I have made a visual display of the film titles I like the most. It includes some film titles not shown in the thought shower above. I have used both colours and fonts that I feel reflect the genre and would work well in the film.

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