Thursday 22 September 2011

Equipment List

Nikon D5000

This will be used when recording our short film. Advantages of this video recorder is the 360 degree viewing screen which will help when videoing high and low angle shots. The biggest downside will be that it can only film with manual focus that could lead to blurry, unfocused video.
    Nikon D40

    This will be used as a prop for the main character. The protagonist is going into the woods for a photography assignment so the camera is used to signify this. It could also be used to create interesting imagery such as close ups of the character nervously fiddling the camera and reflections from the camera screen. 

    Bicycle and Helmet

    The main protagonist will ride to the woods on their bicycle. This is considered one of the most dangerous forms of transport. The fact that a bike offers no protection reinforces the protagonists' vulnerability. A helmet will be worn to comply with the risk assessment and to imply that the protagonist is a fearful, cautious main character. 


    A tripod will be used for a number of shots. It will be needed for tracking shots, long shots, birds eye view shots, establishing shots and extreme close ups when the protagonist is laying on the ground. It will create a good contrast between POV shots that will be filmed without the use of a tripod. It will also be effective when connoting periods of action where a handheld effect will be used to intensify the realism to an audience . 


    • Ipod
    • Purse/wallet
    • Make-up: for blood
    • School book
    • Lighting
    • Ladder- for birds eye view shot
    • Elastic band- to create smooth tripod pans/tilts
    • Map
    A map is required so that we don't get lost during filming. As it is an unfamiliar destination, a map would be useful so that we could get to location efficiently and make sure that we know how to get back home. 

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