Wednesday 7 September 2011

Location Shots

This shot is taken on the ground and could be used as a low angle tracking shot. The actor would be depicted in the centre of the shot and would be used in the early stages of the film to set the scene. I have darkened the edges of the image to make it more eerie which would follow the conventions of a phsycological thriller. I have also darkened the edges to focus the viewer to the centre of the frame where the actor would be situated. As i want the dominant aspect of the image to be the contrast in lighting, I used a monochrome effect which also has strong connotations with the genre of a phsycological thriller.

This would be a POV (point of view) shot of the paranoid subject. I used a long shutter speed to mimic the effect of movement. In the film I would use a handheld camera to connote that this is from the subjects perspective. Tracking shots would be filmed on a tripod to highlight this. The shaky, blurred effect in the film would also highlight his paranoia and anxiety.

This shot would be filmed as the paranoid subject runs into the woods. A tracking shot from behind a tree could connote that it is a POV shot of the antagonist watching him. The subject could run through the centre of the frame and look back into the camera. The purpose of this is to suggest that it could be both in his mind or reality. I am hoping that the film will create intrigue as the audience wont know whether he is paranoid or in actual danger until the ending.

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